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Cataracts Frequently Asked Questions

What are cataracts and why do they need to be removed?

Is the cataract removal operation dangerous?

What are the risks and possible complications of the cataract surgery?

How is a cataract removed?

What exactly is an intraocular lens (IOL)?

Will I need to wear glasses after my cataract surgery?

What symptoms are associated with cataracts?

What causes cataracts?

Where do cataracts originate?

Are cataracts an inevitable part of aging?

Do cataracts spur the development of other eye conditions?

Are cataracts and presbyopia related?

Can cataracts redevelop after surgery?

My father had to wear thick "coke bottle" glasses after his cataract surgery; will I have to wear these too?

Does cataract surgery hurt?

If I have a cataract in one eye, will it spread to the other?

What is recovery like after cataract surgery and when can I expect to see clearly again?


Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Sandy T. Feldman to discover how achieving visual freedom can change your life.

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