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EVO ICL™ Frequently Asked Questions

What is the EVO ICL™ Lens?

Is the EVO ICL™ a new lens?

Can LASIK be done after EVO ICL™?

Is EVO ICL™ riskier than LASIK?

Is EVO ICL™ better than LASIK?

What is the age limit for EVO ICL™?

What are the Benefits of the EVO ICL™?

Who is a Candidate for the EVO ICL™ correction surgery in San Diego?

How is the EVO ICL™ Lens Procedure Performed?

Can the EVO ICL™ be Removed?

Will I be able to feel the EVO ICL™ Lens?

Will other people be able to see the EVO ICL™ Lens?

Are there any risks with the EVO ICL™ Procedure?

Is the EVO ICL™ lens FDA approved?

How thoroughly has the The EVO ICL™ procedure been tested?

Is there a limit on how strong of a prescription EVO ICL™, Implantable Collamer Lens can correct?

How long can the EVO ICL™, Implantable Collamer Lens last?

Is the EVO ICL™, Implantable Collamer Lens surgery worth it?

What is Dr. Feldman's experience with EVO ICL™ surgery?

What is the success rate of EVO ICL™ surgery?

Who is not suitable for EVO ICL™ surgery?

What testing should be performed to determine if I am a candidate for EVO ICL™ surgery?

How many days should I rest after EVO ICL™?

What should I avoid after EVO ICL™?

Will I need glasses after EVO ICL™?

Is EVO ICLTM better than LASIK?

How long is vision blurry after the EVO ICL™?

What does it feel like to have EVO ICL™ surgery?

Is the EVO ICL™ surgery painful?

Can you go blind from EVO ICL™?

What celebrities have had the EVO ICL™ surgery?

How many people have had the EVO ICL™ surgery?

How do I select a good EVO ICL™ surgeon?

Which is better EVO ICL™ or SMILE™

What is the cost of EVO ICL™ surgery?

Do EVO ICL™ lenses block sunlight?

What happens if EVO ICL™ surgery is not successful?

How long does EVO ICL™ surgery take?

What is the difference between an IOL and an EVO ICL™?

What other surgical options are considered when evaluating for EVO ICL™ surgery?

Does the EVO ICL™ procedure affect the color of my eyes?

How big is the EVO ICL™ lens?

Can my body reject the EVO ICL™ lens?

What medication will I take after EVO ICL™ surgery and for how long?

Does EVO ICL™ surgery correct reading vision?

If I have an EVO ICL™ surgery can I legally drive without glasses?

Is EVO ICL™ surgery for cataracts?

Can someone need EVO ICLT™ surgery in one eye and LASIK or SMILE in the other?

Can I undergo EVO ICL™ surgery if I fly or in the military?

Do EVO ICL™ lenses cause halos or glare at night?

What is the difference with the EVO ICL™ vs previous versions?


Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Sandy T. Feldman to discover how achieving visual freedom can change your life.

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